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Lead scoring and lead nurturing are two inbound marketing techniques that go hand in hand to help you increase sales.

With lead scoring we identify which of the users who have provided us with their data are most interesting as potential customers.

With lead nurturing,

We accompany all these potential customers until they make a purchase to ensure that they do not get lost along the way.

The benefits of lead scoring

Lead nurturing are undeniable. But for them to work, you need to create your own lead scoring system that makes sense for your company: the lead scoring matrix.

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In this video we explain what lead scoring is and how you can use it in Middle East Mobile Number List Inbound Marketing strategy to get more qualified leads.


How to create a lead scoring matrix?

A lead scoring matrix is ​​a graphical interpretation of your lead scoring process, that is, the algorithm by which a score is assigned to each lead .

Although each company’s case is unique, there are 3 main criteria that should be included:

Lead quality

This value is calculated based on the information that the user has voluntarily provided, for example, through a registration form, such as location, company name, position, etc.
Lead activity . This value is calculated based on the lead’s behavior and interactions with your brand, as this can give us an idea of ​​their real interest. This would include elements such as form submissions, email openings and clicks, content downloaded, or pages visited.

Negative or elimination criteria

We need to include the factors that lower the quality of a lead in order to have a realistic view of the situation. For example, we will deduct points if a lead unsubscribes from our newsletter.
Lead Scoring

Middle East Mobile Number List


Best practices for creating a lead scoring matrix

Analyze past conversions . If you’ve been doing inbound marketing with your brand for a while , you’ll have a history of data on users who Slovenia Mobile Phone Numbers List converted in the past. So start by analyzing them and seeing what characteristics they have in common to add to your lead scoring matrix.
Create separate models for different product lines and buyer personas . If your company targets different audiences, it’s worth creating a separate algorithm for each of them.
Customize the value of interactions . For example, you might want to assign points for visiting your website. But in that case, it’s worth keeping in mind that you can assign more value to pages with more interest, such as pricing pages or certain product pages.

Create a point degradation system

The lead scoring matrix should be dynamic, as if it were a living organism. So, if a user has shown interest but has not interacted for a while, their score should gradually decrease.
Create a threshold of qualified leads for sales . The main function of lead scoring is to be able to give each lead an appropriate treatment. Therefore, once a certain level of quality and interest has been reached, leads should be passed on to the sales team so that the transaction can be closed.

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