The data should give you a clear winner

We’ll talk more about lifespan later, but your A/B test needs to run long enough to collect enough data. If you don’t have enough data, your test won’t help you increase your conversion rate.

Let’s dive into the statistics for just a second.

You may have heard the term “statistical significance.” This means that based on the sample size for a study or survey, future behavior or occurrence can be accurately predicted.

Think about it this way:

If you ask 10 people to choose between two things, you clear winner might vnpay database come up with a five-and-five split, a seven-and-three split, or a nine-and-one split.

There is no large enough sample to determine that a certain clear winner percentage of the population prefers one thing or the other.

But if you ask 100,000 people the same question, a pattern emerges. If 70,000 of them prefer one thing over another, you can more accurately assume that 70 percent of the remaining population will too.

Hello Bar will automatically wait until it has enough data to present you with a winner, so you don’t have to worry about all the statistical significance jargon.


6. Analyze your A/B testing results


When you have a large enough sample for your A/B test, you can either look at the data yourself and determine the winner, or let the software do the hard work.

We recommend the latter. Unless you’re a mathematician, manually feetfinder price: how much does it cost to sell? analyzing data leaves you open to human error. Plus, it’s incredibly time-consuming.

Sometimes the results are closer than others. If you find that there is only a small difference between the two options, you can conclude that the element you tested does not have a large impact on c.

How long should you A/B test for?



One question marketers often ask is how long to A/B test. There is no hard and fast rule as it largely depends on the size of your audience.

Let’s say you’re selling an extremely expensive SaaS product. You might only get one or two conversions per day (or even per week or month).

Compare these results to an e-commerce site that sees 20,000 transactions per day. You couldn’t tell either of those businesses, “Run an A/B test for three weeks and stop.” It doesn’t work.

Hello Bar takes some of the guesswork out of it. Instead of evaluating singapore data things like sample size, statistical reliability, and other complex factors, let the software do the heavy lifting.

Once you have both versions of your site ready, you can launch them and let Hello Bar handle the testing phase. The program will announce the winner based on complex mathematical factors.

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